Gas Induction

Video lectures, written resources and useful links for anaesthetic novices

Featured Content


Introduction Booklet

A quick reference guide to beginning anaesthetics. Includes summary tables of common drugs, basics of the machine and circle system in addition to suggested reading topics.


Induction of Anaesthesia

A talk through the steps involved in the induction of anaesthesia. Covers common induction agents in addition to emergency drugs and their use.


Emergence and Extubation

Video lecture that guides you through the basics on waking the patient up and safely removing an airway device, focusing on key aspects such as paralysis and reversibility.


We are a group of anaesthetic trainees hoping to give you near peer advice, tips and tricks to getting the most out of your first few months as an anaesthetist. Below are some topics to get you started.

Clinical Induction

Resources to aid first few weeks in anaesthesia

Anaesthetics Recipes

Reference guides to providing anaesthesia for common operations

Technical Tips

Basic advice on machine checks, airway equipment, opening glass vials, making antibiotics etc.

Non Clinical Work

Advice on the Lifelong Learning platform and exams